ללא קטגוריה

צפה לבלתי צפוי

אווה אנגלן מספרת על איך הגיעה להודו מגרמניה, התאהבה בה ובבעלה לעתיד, ופתחה מסעדה הודית בבעלות גרמנית.

 מאת אווה אנגלן

My name is Eva and when I came to India five years ago, I came as a backpacker, curious to discover the beauty of this extraordinary country, as many others did before me. That time I was a student of cultural anthropology with my main focus on Indian culture and I was supposed to attend a Hindi class in Varanasi with a fellow student. Our plan was first to go to Jaipur and Pushkar and than further on to Varanasi. As my mother use to say: never plan your future since everything will be different as you expected!

When I arrived with my friend at the Pushkar bus station, a very good looking guy asked me if I needed an accommodation – and that´s how I ended up living in Pushkar now for more than two years. Because Pushkar is a very nice place to stay for longer, I could quickly convince my fellow student to do our Hindi lessons there instead of Varanasi and we stayed for about a month.

Since that I could never forget this good looking guy again and I had to come back as soon as possible. I came again and again and after I finished my master studies in Munich in 2011 I decided to break up my tents in Germany, to move to Pushkar and to marry this guy who once picked me up from the bus station in Pushkar.




Deepak and me married in 2012 an we are very happy to spend our live together here. We just opened a new restaurant few month ago in the heart of Pushkar near the Varah Temple: Holy Home. We cook Indian and continental food and soon we will offer also German dishes there and wood oven pizza. I really enjoy the life in Pushkar and my work with the tourists. It´s amazing to meet every day new people from all over the world and everybody has their own story to tell. But the thing I enjoy the ost is cooking. Since me and my Indian brother John cook together everything fresh, the customers are surprised to find tasty instead of oily food. 

Lovely greetings from Holy Home


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